Pier 17: Bathhouse & Capsule Hotel | NY, NY


Located at the confluence point of commuters, travelers, and tourists, “Metro Caldarium at Pier 17”, is a bathhouse hotel in the Roman tradition for New York’s South Street Seaport. Metro Caldarium can help visitors achieve a higher state of health, hygiene, and restfulness, regardless of how long they intend to stay or how much they can spend.

A Western take on the Capsule Hotels and Hot Spring Resorts typical of Japan; this building separates functions into compact discrete parts; notably the lower market, upper Capsules, and East River facing Bathhouse.

The lower levels of the hotel form the pop-up/plug-in market, or Thermopolium, where visitors to the site can eat, drink, shop, enjoy a book, or even get a haircut, while looking out at the contiguous John Slip Park. Moving upstairs, visitors can soak in the heated and cooled pools of the multi-level bath house with views of the East River. Then the Capsule Hotel can accommodate travelers for any period of time, even a short afternoon nap.
